..well, playing Space Crusade, thinking of planning the trip yet consuming alcoholic beverages instead.
Yeah, that's how these things usually go. I bring a pile of printed maps, red marker pens and a head filled with ideas and enthusiasm. 15 minutes later I give up since everyone else is drinking (and playing Space Crusade, wtf?) and telling me to quit nerding at the computer. So much for deciding the schedule & islands we're gonna hit. So, instead you have yours truly blogging (despite the rest of the gang yelling at me) here while knocking back shots of Pepsi infused with vodka.
Personally, I can't be arsed to try out Space Crusade myself (the rulebook just doesn't seem that inviting during these nights), but I have to admit, it makes one hell of a spectator sport. Let me get this straight. The game itself doesn't seem that interesting (I assume it's due to not knowing or playing the game myself, I expect someone to tell me an unsophisticated fool such as me doesn't understand the depth of this game's fineness. And hell, they'd probably be right), but surveying the players even without having any knowledge of the game itself is like watching the fights in the middle of hockey games. Priceless.
The quarrels about the rules that aren't stated clearly enough in the rulebook, the explosions of rage when someone throws a double 2 three times in a row, the epicaricacy of when someone fails miserably.. The entertainment value of this game is almost infinite. Make that infinite to the 4th power when the players are intoxicated. 5th power if you as the spectator are. Infinite to the n:th power if all the participants are under the influence of alcohol.
Seriously, this should be a sport in the Olympic games. The winter and the summer Olympics.
I'll get back to you once they settle out the scores. Unless I'm too focused on the beverages by that point.
Anyway, ttfn.
Yeah, that's how these things usually go. I bring a pile of printed maps, red marker pens and a head filled with ideas and enthusiasm. 15 minutes later I give up since everyone else is drinking (and playing Space Crusade, wtf?) and telling me to quit nerding at the computer. So much for deciding the schedule & islands we're gonna hit. So, instead you have yours truly blogging (despite the rest of the gang yelling at me) here while knocking back shots of Pepsi infused with vodka.
Personally, I can't be arsed to try out Space Crusade myself (the rulebook just doesn't seem that inviting during these nights), but I have to admit, it makes one hell of a spectator sport. Let me get this straight. The game itself doesn't seem that interesting (I assume it's due to not knowing or playing the game myself, I expect someone to tell me an unsophisticated fool such as me doesn't understand the depth of this game's fineness. And hell, they'd probably be right), but surveying the players even without having any knowledge of the game itself is like watching the fights in the middle of hockey games. Priceless.
The quarrels about the rules that aren't stated clearly enough in the rulebook, the explosions of rage when someone throws a double 2 three times in a row, the epicaricacy of when someone fails miserably.. The entertainment value of this game is almost infinite. Make that infinite to the 4th power when the players are intoxicated. 5th power if you as the spectator are. Infinite to the n:th power if all the participants are under the influence of alcohol.
Seriously, this should be a sport in the Olympic games. The winter and the summer Olympics.
I'll get back to you once they settle out the scores. Unless I'm too focused on the beverages by that point.
Anyway, ttfn.
Lol wtf space krucade rulez!