December 19, 2009

We're famous.. sort of

TampioTravels (well, yours truly along with our friend Jonne) had managed to get to the Hall of Fame at Sakura Hostel, I'm sure you're as surprised as we are.

Apparently we're not the only ones overwhelmed with this feeling of surprise

It also seems that we made our way to the Sakura Hostel blog article regarding the same Hallf of Fame. You can find the blog here.

Somehow we manage to show up in blogs around Japan, I'm thinking it's because we start acting goofy when we get our hands on some alcoholic beverages.

..and that brings me to our next holiday activity: spending all our evenings and nights at Samurai Cafe. And speaking of which, it's about time we go to Samurai Cafe. Hell, it's been open for 1,5 hours and we're still here blogging our hearts out and serving glögg to fellow travellers. Something must be seriously wrong with us, we should probably go to Samurai and try to figure out what it is. guys have fun too.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for coming back, Yacchan&Micchan:)
    I'm always happy to meet you!
